Kinteco is a full-service screen printing, t-shirt embroidery, and marketing company. We have the ability to print up to 10 colors as well as four color process designs. Additionally, we offer automated printing for large volume orders. Kinteco specializes in Lycra and nylon printing. A complete in-house art department allows us to work with you from concept to completion.
- T-shirt Embroidery
- Folding/bagging/tagging
- Label changing/private labels
- Preproduction Samples
- Latest PMS Ink Matching Technology
- USA as well as International shipping
- Marketing plans utilizing promotional products
- 12 color M&R Challenger
- 6 color M&R Gauntlet
- 6 color manual
- 4 color manual hat printer
- 6 head/15 color Tajima Embroidery Machine
- PC based computer system
- Art programs: Current Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop
Kinteco Screen Printing has been in business since 1984. We keep up with the latest industry techniques to assist you in growing your business. Additionally, Kinteco is a WBE certified company. Likewise, the owner, Karen Philip, is very much a hands-on owner. As a result, you can rest easy knowing that your job is well taken care of.